Micro-versed in licking the gloss, 2022, 여인영 단채널 비디오, 컬러, 사운드,18분 31초 Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity ‘The Weapon of Theory as a Conference of Birds’ 오픈 스튜디오 2022
Micro-versed in licking the gloss, InYoung Yeo 2022 single channel video color sound 18’31”  Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity ‘The Weapon of Theory as a Conference of Birds’ Open Studios 2022

Micro-versed in licking the gloss explores the microcosmos of the inside of the mouth from the bodily tongue movements (how it curls, flattens and licks) to the expressive sounds (made by the surface tensions of different fluidities) to the semiotics of language. The project speculates a micro-versed dimension device that mimics and memes the movements, sound and semiotics of the entanglements of an observer and an observee. When this micro-versed dimension device, MVDD, is inserted into the tongue of an observer, the observer starts to mimic and meme the observee and vice versa.

Placing the narrative in the entanglement of consciousness and unconsciousness, and the observer and observee, the project explores the fuzzy spaces in between shaped like a hole that creates a form of resistance and resilience, from the polarizations of gender, human/non-human and race creating an empathetic space exploring how simple expressive sounds are phonetically signified by various vowels and turn into Onomatopoeia as 21 vowels of Hangul assimilate subtle movement of sounds. It follows a personal migratory story of three generations of women and the deterritorialization of the Korean language to the technological transformation of our digital presence. 



verse 1. in pairs migrate ᅡ ᅥ ᅩ ᅮ ᅳ ᅵ: tongue floats : migratory interplay as a stranger to self

verse 2. move around the edges in cyclical axis territorialize /deterritorialize and romanticize/eroticize ㅐ ㅔ ㅘ ㅚ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅢ : 

tongue 3 touches : territories of the inside of the mouth as two institutions of language telling a romanticized/eroticized story of the past as her hairy surfaces of the memory holes in gendered textures.

verse 3. lag affect recognition ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖㅙ  : tongue vibrates : delayed responses, past generation affects mediate and dissipate

verse 0. flip through flips and flops of observer, mediator, observee interaction 


Sound Design: David Helbich
Drawing collaboration: Magnus Tiesenhausen

Digital Media Facilitator: Tyler Jordan
Camera Operator: Jennifer Chiasson
Recording Engineer: James Clemens-Seely
Recording Engineer: Jeffrey Kynoch

 Supported by: Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity


Photo by Rita Taylor, Banff Centre 2022

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