바람이 접히다 여인영 단채널 비디오, 컬러, 사운드,13분 13초 호스팅 갤러리 베를린 독일 2023
바람을 피우다 여인영, 종이 위 흑연 120x 100cm 호스팅 갤러리 베를린 독일 2023

Wind folds
InYoung Yeo, single channel video color sound 13’ 13”, Hosting gallery Berlin Germany 2023
Wind-blown InYoung Yeo, charcoal and graphite on paper, 120x 100cm Hosting gallery Berlin Germany 2023

Wind folds follows the wind as it blows and folds into three furry romantic fantasies. The three fantasies mirror, overlap and swirl into each other as they fold onto a ‘desire production line’repeating the cycle- desire, produce, consume, fear, waver, and run. Based on the hazy memories of her love stories, the animated video and series of drawings explore the points ofhappenings, fold onto each other and create emotional holes and slippery spaces between the conscious and unconscious experiences. In three: fold four, ‘pink stripes and red corners’ findsthe past and future mirroring the present; fold two ‘wheels go round’ overlaps the conscious and unconscious; fold zero ‘float’ swirl into each others’ emotions.


Photo by Barbara Proschak

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